About me
I often getting asked where i get my inspirations from. My artistic inspiration comes mostly from my life. I really just expressing myself. For me being in the studio, listening to music and experimenting is the way. And by working everyday in my studio, I am constantly inspired and motivated to create. I say if you allow yourself time to develop your skills, the process of getting better at something is inspirational in itself. You start to realise where your strengths and weaknesses lie. So inspiration for me as an artist becomes a sort of self-fulfilling loop where the more art I produce, the more I develop. And the more I grow in skill, the more inspired I become.
Which makes me want to produce more art!
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Current and Past
17.06- 17.09.2022 Knotenpunkt Affenfaust Gallery 2022
Mit der Dauerausstellung Knotenpunkt präsentiert die Affenfaust Galerie die größte Urban Contemporary Art Ausstellung Nordeuropas.